Tuesday 13 January 2015

Liebster Award no.2 (as well as no.3!)

Hey guys :)

So I've had to look back at my last "Liebster Award" blog post in order to remember how exactly this things works, and I think I've got the hang of things, so here we go! :)
I have actually been nominated for the Liebster Award twice this week - once by ohemgeeitsmaya (Maya) and then again by Pen&Key (Eve), so I will have double the amount of questions.

Be prepared for a long blog post! :3

  • Thank and link the person who nominated you.
  • Answer the questions given by the nominator
  • Nominate 11 other bloggers (Who have less then 200 followers) and link them.
  • Create 11 new questions for the nominees to answer
  • Notify all nominees via social media/blogs!
Maya's Questions:

1) What is all time favourite item of clothing?
Probably a little dress of mine with stripes on the top and a cool flower pattern on the bottom. Otherwise I would basically say "any massive fluffy jumper I own!" :)

2) Name your top three favourite people
I have no idea - I really can't choose! If you asked me about my top 15 favourite people I might be able to answer. 
For the sake of the question though, I would say my friends Katie, Faith and Ellie.

3) Name your top three favourite celebrities
Taylor Swift, Jennifer Lawrence and Michael Clifford.

4) First memory?
I have this really blurry memory of my mum walking me to school on my first day of Reception, but like quite a few of my memories, I probably just made that one up. 
My first definite one is me crying really hysterically because I didn't want to go to into school to Reception (I got really homesick when I was younger). 
I realise that this memory is probably quite anticlimactic - I promise that I was jolly sometimes as a kid! 

5) When was the time you've laughed the hardest?
There are so many times in my life where I have laughed so hard it hurt - the last time I recall this happening was when I was in town with my friend Katie, and we heard this man behind us who was with his friend, and was previously saying stuff like "Wassup blad, y'alright yeh?" scream "NOOO STEEEPHEEN!!!" in this really posh voice. 
It. Was. AMAZING. 

6) Favourite book
I would probably have to say "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" by Stephen Chbosky :)

7) Favourite movie
10 Things I Hate About You - Kat Stratford is my role model!

8) Favourite band
Paramore or 5 Seconds of Summer (I said this in my first YouTube video but somehow it came out as "Paramore or 5 Seconds auo Summer" - I don't know how). 

9) Are you left or right handed?
Right handed. 

10) Look behind you. 
    Which shoulder did you look over?
My right shoulder. 

Eve's Questions:

1) If you could learn any language, what would it be?
French, because it would really help me for my GCSEs!

2) If you could re-pick your options, what would you study?
I would probably be really boring and not change anything, there isn't any subject I particularly regret. I kind of wish I had been able to take Health and Social like some of my friends do, but I only had four options!

3) If you had a one-way trip to anywhere, and a spare ticket for someone else, where would you go, and who would you take?
Assuming that this contract does not include fictional universes, I would probably visit Venice with my friend Ellie :)

4) If you could rewrite the ending of any book, what's the book and what would you change?
I would rewrite Mockingjay and bring back all of the character I loved who died (no spoilers - most of them). 

5) If you were stuck on an island, what three things would you have with you?
A boat, iodine (that's the thing you use for water, right?) and a book on how to survive when stuck on an island. 

6) If you could share a house with any 5 people (dead or alive), who would you share a house with?
My friend Katie
My friend Ellie
My friend Faith
Taylor Swift (because Taylor Swift)
ThatcherJoe/Joe Sugg, just so I could prank my friends :)

7) If you could take charge of your country for a day, what would   you do/change?
I would probably just panic and give everyone free cookies to keep them happy. Also I would replace our flag with a picture of Benedict Otterbatch or something, just to confuse everyone. 

8) If you could collect anything, what would you collect?
Unicorns :3

9) If you were to set yourself a reminder that popped up every day   for the rest of your life, what would it say? 
I have a reminder like this when I wake up in the morning every day - my alarm is called "RISE AND SHINE MOFO, IT'S A BRAND NEW DAY". 
However, due to the fact that this Dan quote does not apply to every situation, my reminder would probably say "If you can get through this, you can have a cookie afterwards" - I find this very motivational and I think it would help me through quite a few tests!

10) If you were to travel back to any historical period, which would you visit?
This one's extremely hard, because every historical period seems to have it's downside... I would probably go back to any time in history when inequality was a big issue and stand up for those who were treated unfairly (because I could, I guess!). 

So those are my 20 questions! Wow, that took a long time. 
I always have a hard time finding people to tag, and since this tag is spreading like crazy amongst the blogs I read, I literally have none! (awkward)
I actually read a lot of blogs, I just don't feel like I know any of the people writing them well enough to tag them. I would tag Maya and Eve, but I think they need a break after tagging each other, haha :)

Speak to you soon, 
Lucy x

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