Thanks for the nomination Eve (Pen & Key)! If you haven't seen her blog before, I would definitely check it out, her posts are awesome! :D

1) Thank and follow the blog that has nominated you
2) Tell us 11 facts about yourself
3) Answer the questions that were set for you
4) Nominate 11 bloggers and set questions for them
11 Facts About Me
1) I like seeing other people's nail art, but I refuse to do anything with my nails because I honestly can't be bothered and I find it impossible to take care of my nails after painting them!
2) When I was a toddler, I scared my Grandma when we were out shopping by not being able to say the word "frog", and accidentally saying the f-word (oops).
3) My pet-peeve is when people chew with their mouth open *shudders*
4) I am on the last Maze Runner book at the moment (seriously, can't they just give Thomas a bloody break?!)
5) I will be 15 in two days!!! (WHOOP WHOOP)
6) I love love love book shops, but never end up buying anything because I know that things will probably be cheaper on the internet. Although I know that I can get the books elsewhere, it KILLS ME to leave without them...
7) I have an obsession with Adventure Time, and my school bag is literally Jake. It is also reversible so that when you turn it inside out, you can also have a Finn bag (not that I have tried this out yet, as that would mean emptying my school bag, which would be an impossible task!).
8) When I was a baby, I was SUPER blonde - the older I get, the darker my hair gets. I don't think I will ever be a brunette though.
9) My dream is to be a cat-lady. I think that would be really fun!
10) I have recently bought Sia's album "1000 Forms of Fear", and I can't stop listening to it. It is becoming a serious problem.
11) I can't use heat on my hair - it actually makes it worse! My hair is naturally straight, and if I use straighteners then my hair turns frizzy (because that makes complete sense!).
Eve's Questions...
1) What do you like about blog awards?
No matter how time-consuming they are to write, I still enjoy writing and reading blog awards as they give you a proper chance to get to know a blogger in terms of their opinions, past, hobbies, etc., and I think that's really interesting (although this is probably the most clichéd answer ever!).
2) Name one destination you want to visit, and one you don't.
One destination I definitely want to visit is Venice, because it just generally seems awesome and really beautiful.
One place I wouldn't really want to visit regularly is New York. I have been there before, and don't get me wrong, it was a wonderful experience! I'm not taking anything for granted, I just didn't really like the atmosphere with all the people and the weather.
3) If you've already decided your future job, what's your backup? If you haven't, what's your dream job?
I'm not sure about what I'll do in the future other than that I want to write or act. I would love to write novels and stories - the idea of that really excites me! I also love acting, and I feel like acting has helped me with confidence so much, especially over the past few years. Acting as a living sounds amazing.
The thing is that both jobs require a backup, but I don't actually have any other ideas for jobs. They would have to back up each other, I guess.
4) What are you never without?
I am usually never without my watch, but then I lost it, which is painfully ironic. It is probably hiding somewhere deep in my school bag...
5) What is your favourite film or film series?
Mean Girls will probably be my all-time favourite movie, as it just never gets old!
6) Who is your favourite author, and what is your favourite book of theirs?
My favourite author is probably Suzanne Collins, as she wrote The Hunger Games series, and you literally can't get any cooler than that!
Catching Fire is probably my favourite book in the series, as it includes the biggest amount of Peeta Mellark, and you can never have too much Peeta Mellark in one book!
7) What is your prized possession?
I have no idea really. I got a certificate for a drama exam I passed recently, and I suppose I'd be pretty upset if I managed to lose that!
I'm also pretty sure "my phone" doesn't count as an answer, as it has no sentimental value, but I would also be extremely upset if I lost that!
8) What toppings are on your ideal pizza?
I'm gonna be really awkward now and say that I wouldn't really want any toppings on my ideal pizza! This time last year I would have probably had a good answer, but since then I have become a pescetarian and I would rather not have anything on the pizza.
9) What is your favourite blog post of yours?
Some of my favourite posts are advice blog posts, though my favourite post of mine is probably my "I'm so shy." blog post, because it gave me a chance to open up about a problem I had been having and I felt like I got a really positive response. Honestly, I didn't think that anyone would understand my problem and would dismiss the post altogether!
10) Pick a YouTuber to live with (not romantically)
I'm glad that Eve added "not romantically", or this post would seem incredibly awkward and I wouldn't really be sure how to answer it without sounding really creepy!
I think that living and just being friends with Dan and Phil sounds really fun, though I would be uncomfortable living with two guys and then just me, haha.
However awesome both of them are, I definitely don't think I would be able to live with Joe Sugg and Caspar Lee - I've seen Joe's latest video and I think that in that particular situation, I would value sleep over friendship!!
11) Age old question, which came first, the chicken or the egg?
Seriously, this question...?
The egg, obviously. Dinosaurs were alive before chickens anyway! #logic
As I have mentioned in previous award blog posts, I have a limited friendship group when it comes to blogging, so I have no one to tag for this!
*cue despairingly dramatic music*
I think my problem is that everyone who I would tag has already been tagged for the award by the time I get round to writing the blog post, and I am too nice to tag the same person twice as it means double the questions!
(not that I would mind being tagged twice personally, I just don't like bombarding people with questions)
Speak to you soon,
Lucy x
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