Thursday, 4 September 2014

First day of school

As you can probably guess, today was my first day of school. It was actually better than I expected :)

The day started out with a 30 minute lie-in, as school started later today than it does usually. This basically meant extra sleep and watching YouTube videos, both of which I consider to be a great use of my time :3
When I got to school, I was given my timetable, which I was extremely happy about, as I got into all the subjects I put down for my GCSEs! These subjects consisted of French, History, Drama and Media Studies :) I was quite lucky to get into Media Studies, as not many people do. 

I thought I would panic more about meeting so many new people as well as some people I haven't spoken to since I was 11, but it was actually less nerve wracking than I thought it would be. Even in my first lesson of the day I was in with one of my best friends who I had never had a lesson with before, so that calmed me down a bit, and all the people I spoke to seemed nice :)

If you started school recently, how was it? Tell me down in the comments :) 

Best wishes,
Lucy x


  1. Nice to hear your first day was good (wish ours would start half an hour later). My first day was good, my second day, not so much. Turns out a couple of the d-head lads found my blog, and I had (I have now removed it) a post about the boy I like, which gives a good, definitive description of him, so most people know. It kinda ruined my afternoon, but it was just before last lesson, so I just had to suffer through that before I could disappear

    1. Yeah, the late start was a lovely surprise to kick-start our new year :)
      That is awful! I hope you're okay now. I know that blogs are on the internet for everyone to see, but it is obvious that what you posted was for your followers/internet friends and for them only, therefore they had no right to be snooping around. That was incredibly insensitive and, as you put it, "d-headed" of them :(

  2. My first day was really good! (I go to the same school as Eve by the way!) I love my lessons, and we actually picked our GCSEs in year 8 and we did lessons for the subjects in year 9, and now we're properly doing GCSEs! I also do Media Studies, it is extremely fun and I love it! Glad to hear your's went well too. :)

    1. Glad to hear it :D I never knew you guys go to the same school!
      I think that if I picked my GCSEs in Year 8 then I would loath them now, haha :P My opinions of the different subjects have changed since then. We're getting reading for doing GCSEs in the next year, though we haven't exactly started them yet. I have friends that have started some language GCSEs though already :) I have only had one Media Studies lesson so far and I think it is going to be awesome!

  3. I'm glad school is going well for you! Watching YouTube is definitely what I would do if I had an extra 30 minutes :D

