Happy Monday everyone! (note the sarcasm...)
Just kidding!
Well, kind of. I hope everyone had a happy Monday!! :3
It is my third day back at school today, and although school itself has been cool so far (it feels luxurious to finally be in Year 10 and have the privilege to choose my own subjects!), everyone seems to be kind of down-in-the-dumps.
I don't know whether this is partly due to the weather at the moment, but I can kind of understand if that is the reason. This morning when I set off for school I almost believed I would freeze to death - I tend to get cold really easily and I remember this year I wore my winter coat until about May.
This afternoon, however, when I was at the park with my friends, the sun decided to come out in an attempt to FRY US ALL.
Anyyywaayy, enough of that! This blog post doesn't exactly have much point, but I thought I'd just kind of mention a few random things. Let us begin...
So recently I discovered this thing called a library!
You'd think I'm joking, but I'm not. Until about 3 weeks ago, I had literally never even had a library card other than my school one which I have only ever used for homework. This is weird, considering I absolutely LOVE reading. I used to not like the thought of libraries as the books you take out of them aren't really your own. Despite this, I think I am beginning to love the library, and I have only ever been there once! It gives me the same feeling as I get when walking into a book store, which is an awesome feeling!
Anyway, one of the first books I got from the library was Beastly, by Alex Flinn.

Let me tell you, if you like the movie and/or the story of Beauty and The Beast, you will LOVE the book. I mean, obviously there is no Alex Pettyfer included in the book (it's a book, what did you expect?!), but I personally believe that the book is SOOOO much better. I have been reading the edition of the book that includes Lindy (the main female character)'s diary, though even before I started reading that, I kind of felt like I could relate to Lindy on a spiritual level.
For instance, when she is exploring the house on her first day and is way more excited by the library than she is the wardrobe.

Not to mention that Beauty and The Beast was always my favourite story growing up (it was the first movie I ever cried at!).
Warning: The book will give you the strange urge to suddenly make a rose garden!
(is that just me?!)
I also would not really recommend it if you aren't into soppy love-stories (I am, personally).
Something else that I am really into right now is the band Paramore. I know that some Paramore fans my age have been listening to their music since they were little and everything, but for me, when I was little, Paramore music was the kind of music I would hear in shops or as cars came past with music blaring and got me thinking, Oh my gosh, I love this! and then I would not hear that same song again for years because I never knew the song name (doh!!). However, it was probably sometime last year when I really properly discovered them, and I LOVE their music so much! I have the album Riot!, and recently their songs have been in my head all day, every day! I really want to get some of their other albums!
For now though, I will have to settle for listening to some of their other songs on YouTube. *sigh*
That is all for today! I will probably make a post based on stuff I love about Autumn soon (just to warn you, Autumn is my favourite season!).
Have a good week,
Lucy x
Wait, there's a book for Beastly? I've been wanting to watch the film forever, and now there's a book? I may just have to ask my library to order it in! Also, have you read the Maze Runner? Opened one of my birthday presents early (Friday 19th if you wanna know) and it's the first one, and OMG, can't wait to read it!
ReplyDeleteThat was my reaction when I spotted it in the library! haha :D
DeleteNo, I haven't read the Maze Runner, buy I've heard of it and apparently it's really good. I'm kind of scared to order more books at the moment, as I already have a massive pile of books in my bedroom waiting to be read! I don't really want to add more to the pile, though I might make an exception for Maze Runner if I can find it :P
Hey I'm new to blogger, started up a blog and I've come across yours from Zoellas new cover blog. I've only ever seen the advert for Beastly on my Twilight dvd and NEED to watch it, I'm even more intrigued now I've come across your post about the book, now I NEED to buy this, I wont watch the film now until I've got and read the book haha! So thank you I'm gonna get straight onto it! If by any chance you'd like to follow back my profile is .. I'm looking forward to reading more of your posts :)
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you started enjoying libraries. I love reading too so my favorite places are probably both: bookstore and library. Great post and keep up the good work.
Thank you for your lovely comment! :)
DeleteLucy :3