I kind of feel bad that I haven't posted in a few days. This is because I have been...
(pause for effect)
SOCIALISING *gasp* I know, it sounds scary to me too.
On Friday after school I went to a quiz with a few of my friends and WE WON, which was weird, because I was on the team. I'm definitely not complaining though, as I got a tub of Celebrations for it. I kind of felt useless as I only answered 3 questions in the 3 hours we were there, as it turns out that I am not the best when it comes to general knowledge. I was quite proud of myself for identifying the music that plays at the beginning of Grease though, so y'know, I guess I did help to some extent. General knowledge is weird, as you are rewarded for the kind of useless stuff that you wouldn't really think of as useful at all.
I do tend to acquire tiny bits of useless knowledge throughout my life, though these tend to be tiny insignificant facts (e.g. Taylor Swift lyrics and every single event that occurs in The Hunger Games books - although both are very significant to me), as opposed to geographical facts or the names of television presenters.
Yesterday, just to add to the illusion that I am actually quite a social person, I went shopping with some other friends. I didn't actually go into any clothes shops as we didn't really feel like it, though we did wander round a few shops such as Pylones (oh my gosh, everything in there is so cool!) and Tiger (which is always just generally awesome).
One particular aspect of yesterday I also enjoyed was going to Boots and looking around at the makeup. Have you ever been looking round at makeup and realised how weird some of the product names are? I have never really thought of this before, though I recently discovered some particularly amazing names. My friends and I actually managed to turn it into a game of "who can find the weirdest name for a lipstick". I think I won with the name "Gentlemen Prefer Me"!!! I find the best names are the ones that have absolutely nothing to do with the product itself (e.g. "Seductive Pink", with tells you absolutely nothing about the shade of pink whatsoever) or just the weirdly pretentious ones.
Oh, the fun people at big makeup companies must have...
Also, in case you were wondering (not that I really expect you to), I did actually buy some stuff at Boots. In fact, the Baby Lips had a 3 for 2 offer, so I picked up the only ones on the shelf that I didn't already have. Maybelline just keep releasing more!

Left to right: Oh! Orange!, Berry Bomb, Peach Kiss
Sooo yeah, that has been my weekend. Tell me how yours has been down in the comments, I love reading them :)
Speak to you soon,
Lucy x
Yes, the names of lipsticks are so odd! I've seen a pink one called Eucalyptus before... It's got nothing to do with a plant! O.o
ReplyDeletehaha :P that is a really weird one!
DeleteHi Lucy! I'm new to your blog - but I really love it :) I enjoy your writing style and I think you take lovely photos ♥
ReplyDeleteHayley xx