Sunday, 15 February 2015

I am so ready for half term.

Hey guys! 
I hope you had a wonderful Valentines Day, regardless of whether you are in a relationship or not, because your happiness matters more than your relationship status!
Personally, I spent my Valentines Day having a sleepover at my friend's house, because all of us there didn't really care about the whole "Valentines Day" thing, and just felt like eating a chocolate orange while watching "The Maze Runner" (which is simply amazing, by the way). 

I feel like people are put under too much stress when it comes to Valentines Day though. Like, if you're in a relationship, I hope you're happy and you have a lovely time. And if you're single, then so what? I would much rather be single at comfortable with my relationship status than force myself into a relationship where I don't really feel anything towards the other person. 
Sorry, I just needed to get that off my chest. Mini-rant over.

So I've had a kind of stressful week, partly because of rushed course work (that I think turned out alright in the end) and partly because of some other stuff that I'm almost definitely not allowed to mention online - don't worry though, I'm fine now!

But how are you? I feel like as soon as it comes to the end of school, everyone gets kind of tired and moody. I don't think this ever really happens to me, but I am usually surrounded with irritable people just before the holidays and I think it's easy to feel like you're treading on eggshells during the last week. 
It's also quite hard to remember to be nice and especially polite during the last week when you are just counting down the days until the holidays and internally groaning for 5 days. Don't get me wrong, school itself isn't bad or anything (after having the flu recently, school seemed heavenly!) - I am definitely not complaining about my school. I just feel like everyone needed a break to relax.

Another reason why I get SO BLOODY EXCITED about the holidays this time every year is because my birthday is on the 19th of February, and this time I actually remembered to plan something for the occasion! 
Basically, last year I waited until about two days before my actual birthday to plan things, and in the end it turned out that everyone was busy anyway, so I had to invite a few people round the day afterwards.
This year though, I was super organised and made invites and all that kind of stuff and UGH I CANNOT EVEN EXPLAIN HOW EXCITED I AM. 

I am going to calm myself down now before I just start smashing the keyboard. 

I will not announce the theme of the party in case I want to vlog parts of the party or blog about it afterwards, but I feel like I have picked a great theme and can't wait to show you my costume (as long as I can actually gather the correct stuff for it).
*crosses fingers*

What is it that you look forward to the most during the holidays? Tell me in the comments :)

Speak to you soon, 
Lucy x

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