Saturday, 26 December 2015

The return of the Christmas face

I hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas/holiday season (whichever is more important to you!). I got multiple pokemon hats, so I am pretty happy with the gifts I received! If you celebrate Christmas, feel free to tell me your favourite present(s) in the comments ^.^

It seems to have been a thing over the past three years that I take a selfie on Christmas day with what has turned into my Christmas face so, just to continue the tradition...




I think I've changed quite subtly since last year, but what even am I in the first picture? Also the quality of my selfies seems to be improving.

I've decided to make it my New Year's Resolution to start writing again. Recently, I've been finding it really hard to put sentences together - not just on my blog, but in my spare time too. Until earlier this week, I can't remember the last time I was working on a story (yes, I am now writing a story!). Since a very young age, I have loved writing, and creating my own content and outlets, but I've been so tired recently that it's impossible to find the energy or creative motivation to write anything. I claimed in November that my blog would be resurrected, but that just hasn't been happening. I think it's mostly down to how tired I am. 

For now, at least, I am writing. I don't know whether I will post some of my stories as blog posts in the future (I don't know how much you guys would be interested my stories, for a start), but if I could create content again, that would be cool. As a quite creative person, it is infuriating when my mind turns blank!

Speak to you soon, 
Lucy x

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