Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Winter Changes

*dusts cobwebs off blog*

Hey guys! 
It's been a while, but I finally have to time to write a blog post. The thing I am post scared of recently is that I will unintentionally give up blogging for a really long time, and I really don't want that to happen.
I am really looking forward to the Christmas holidays, hopefully I will have more time then!

...seriously though, what is it with Christmas recently? It is slowly creeping up on me and I am seriously unprepared! This seems to happen every year, rather annoyingly. 
Another thing that seems to creeping up on me is my 15th birthday - I am not even really sure I want to turn 15 right now, the number seems really daunting to me! Sometimes (and by "sometimes" I mean "most of the time") I still feel like a 10 year old... a freakishly tall 10 year old!
Nevertheless, now we have hit the month of December (once again, why is this all creeping up on me?!) loads of my friends are turning 15. Another thing that creeps me out about being 15 is Taylor Swift's song "15", in which she discovers relationships and betrayal and heartbreak and ALL THAT STUFF. 

Like, seriously, why couldn't the song have been called 16? 
Can't it wait?! 

I can't pretend that I don't have friends who haven't been through relationships and all that stuff... the concept just seems really new to me (even if it shouldn't really!).
Oh well, at least I will be able to (now legally) watch 15 rated movies in the cinema and all that stuff :D

Enough moaning - despite the fact that it is making my skin go CRAZY, I am really looking forward to winter this year. It always gives me the brilliant excuse to bundle up in tons of layers and wear awesomely fluffy jumpers :)

(sidenote: I really DON'T UNDERSTAND people who are walking around this time of year in t-shirts!! What is wrong with them?! They have the perfect excuse to wear jumpers and they don't even take it...) 

Also... ADVENT CALENDARS! They are definitely one of the best parts of the build-up to Christmas -  although you can't really beat decorating the Christmas tree, right? I have a slight obsession with tinsel and sparkly decorations.
I know people who put up their Christmas trees on the 1st of December, but I think that kind of feels like cheating - what happens when Christmas is just around the corner and you have nothing festive to do...?

The same goes for Christmas adverts - why are they on already?
Though the one advert that I do make a special advert to tolerate every year though is the John Lewis advert - they may be really long and, yes, really soppy, but they are also kind of cute. I especially loved Lilly Allen's song in the advert last year! 
One thing that does make me laugh is how people claim to have burst into tears the first time they watched the advert this year - it makes me wonder whether or not that is what the John Lewis staff intended whilst brainstorming for the plot. 
Like, the advert is definitely heart-warming, but it is hardly an emotional roller-coaster, haha!

One thing that has really made me feel all winter-y recently is that on Saturday I went ice-skating with my friends, something I equally love and loathe each year!

Love; because slipping around on the ice is so surreal and I just get to laugh at myself (though I don't need to go ice-skating to do that!).
Loathe; because I simply can't do it and I am kind of worried that the fancy, annoyingly professional skaters will take a break from their graceful leaps and twirls to laugh at me!

This year I went with my roller-blading, athletic friend (who totally didn't make me look terrible at all) and my slightly clumsy friend who had never been ice-skating before... the experience was intriguing to say the least. 
Probably the best part of it all was when my inexperienced friend almost fell over, then grabbed a (vaguely attractive) adolescent-male-stranger's hand to steady herself... *cringe*
Also (as if the whole scenario wasn't bad enough), he then turned to her a gave her a teasing look before skating away... *DOUBLE CRINGE*
We certainly won't be letting her forget about that any time soon!

What is your favourite part of winter? Mine are definitely the tree, the chocolate and the jumpers! 

(yes, I know that's three parts, but I can't pick one, in case you haven't already noticed!)

Speak to you soon (hopefully),
Lucy x


  1. Well, as it's not winter for like 6 months, I'm just gonna sit here, in the sun, enjoying summer. ;P
