I have finally awoken from the deep slumber that is my jetlag to bring you guys a blog post!
One of the things that you will notice first is that the theme for my blog has changed. I'm not very experienced with sorting out computer-y stuff, but I managed to turn my background from orange to turquoise without getting yet another computer virus or making my laptop explode... This is a big achievement for me. Tell me what you think of the new theme :3
Mooooving on.... Today I wanted to share with you some of the photos from New York that I took, as you have already heard about California in my last blog post. If you haven't read that blog entry yet, you can do so by clicking here.
Madame Tussauds
We went to Madame Tussauds the day we arrived in New York, which was cool, although we were absolutely exhausted. By the end of the day, I was dizzy with tiredness, as I mentioned in my Jetlag blog entry. I'm not really sure why I decided to wear my 5SOS t-shirt; I wore it to travel in and I didn't see why not to wear it to Madame Tussauds as well. I usually wear fandom t-shirts around the house and don't wear them to go out very often.
Just outside Madame Tussauds, where people are lining up to buy tickets, there is a Spider Man up on the wall. I don't know - I just really like Spider Man and I thought this was quite cool :)
When you first enter the actual place with the waxworks and everything, the room is really fancy. You can't see it very well in the picture, but I was standing on a massive staircase leading down to the waxworks and I thought this was quite a nice view of the room. Next to the pillar on the right are Kim Kardashian and Robert Pattinson.
Tyra Banks
(I am pouting ironically, I don't usually pout in pictures as I tend to look really weird)
Will and Kate
I'm not really sure why I decided to take a picture with Will and Kate. I suppose I may as well have, seeing as my loud English accent must have made me stand out anyway, haha ;)
There are other photos of Madame Tussauds, but I didn't want to show them as they included family members that I didn't think would be overjoyed if I featured their faces on my blog.
My overall opinion of Madame Tussauds is that if you can actually manage to get a turn with your favourite celebrities and historical figures without waiting in a REALLY long line, it is an awesome experience. Although there are some waxworks that look slightly wrong in some way or another (e.g. the nose isn't quite right), a lot of them are really cool and detailed. I would ever have the patience to make something as intricate as those waxworks.
Central Park
Being someone who really hates big cities (which is weird, because I really enjoyed lots of aspects of New York), it was great that we were able to go somewhere as beautiful and calm as Central Park to have a breather. I absolutely loved Central Park.
There are loads of massive rocks in Central Park that my siblings and I enjoyed climbing up. They give you a great view of the park and many people go there to read (as I did at one point) and I even saw a few people taking naps there. I don't really know why you'd decide to sleep on the rocks - it didn't look very comfortable.
Meee :3
There was a carousel in Central Park, but I didn't manage to get a very good picture of it. Instead, here is a mini-carousel that was outside the real one. It's very cute!
Boat rides
While we were in New York, we went on two boat rides around the island. Here are the pictures I took while on the boats:

Views of Manhattan
The Statue of Liberty
The Empire State Building
Although I was extremely grateful for the fact that there were lifts at all (the building is SO TALL) they were definitely scary to travel in, especially as I really hate being in lifts. They go so fast - it makes your heart plummet in your chest - eurgh!
Here are some pictures I took at the top - you had to stick your camera out the bars to get a good view of the streets below:
The High Line
I've only just realised how hardcore the name of this place is now - haha. It's not as dangerous as it sounds, it's actually really relaxing and pleasant. Basically, the High Line is a park that was built on the grounds of a disused railway line. I thought it was a great idea, as it is good for the environment and it is a wonderful place to just sit around and relax, knowing that all the stress and atmosphere of the city is below you. Despite this, it does offer a great view of the city! There are benches everywhere if you get tired of standing and looking around, I stopped for a while to read. I love how when they converted it they kept in the train tracks to remind people of what it once was, so the transformation does not destroy the evidence of the railway line.
Ta-da! I think that's about it. Sorry I couldn't write about this sooner, I have been so tired, once again (thanks jetlag...).
Before I end this blog entry, I just wanted to mention a few more things.
First of all, I now have an account on bloglovin! If you are a fellow blogger with an account on bloglovin or just use it to read all kinds of cool blogs (many of which I have found so far using the website) then click here to follow my blog with Bloglovin! You can also find me on different social media sites using the new "Contact me" label at the top of the page :)
The last thing that I would like to run by you is my idea for book reviews on my blog. I have absolutely loved reading some of the books I have read so far during my summer holiday, and thought maybe I could review one of them.
Honestly though, I have no idea what kind of "genre" my blog should be classified as. It's quite random. I kind of like the sound of doing some fashion-based blog entries, though I'm not sure I could ever classify myself as a beauty blogger, and I am definitely not exciting enough to be considered a lifestyle blogger, haha!
Much of what I have written about so far has been based on mental health. Despite the fact that I find topics such as the ones I have written about interesting and enjoy sharing my views and advice with people, but I would also like my blog to be based more around my life. The thing is: I love helping people, but there is more to my life than what I have written so far.
Anyway... please tell me what you think I should consider for future blog entries, I would love to hear your opinion! Comment on this blog entry or use the "Contact me" label. Remember to follow my blog!
Speak to you soon,
Lucy x
A picture of me on a carousel in California
Nice post! You took some great pictures! I love New York sooo much and I'm going in a few weeks. Your post has just revived my excitement. :)
Thanks :) It's so lovely when people take the time to comment on my blog posts! I hope you have an awesome time in New York, I know I did.