The Rules:
- Make a post to show the award on your main blog.
- Thank the person who nominated you and take the owl with you!
- Nominate all your best buddies, and the people you want to be buddies with.
- Ask at least 15 questions for the buddies you nominate.
- Answer the questions your buddies has asked for you.
Now to answer all 30 of your questions (wow!!).
Eve's Questions:
1) Favourite sweets?
This one's kinda weird, but I have a slight addiction to Turkish Delight (the sweets, not the traditional kind) in that it is completely weird and not many people like it that much but I think it's AWESOME.
2) Write a sentence describing a moment of your childhood
The 9-year-old girl with the blonde hair sat screaming "YOU'RE A LIAR" at the boy who had just told her that Father Christmas didn't exist (the nerve of some people!!).
3) Something you learned recently, related to your school curriculum
If you get hiccups literally minutes before an exam, you'd better get rid of them quick. (I did manage to in the end!)
4) Favourite breakfast cereal?
I am kind of stuck between Cheerios and sultana bran (again, it's not very popular but I really like it!).
5) Favourite clothing brand?
Probably H&M :)
6) Favourite makeup brand?
7) If you had to live in another era, when would you live?
This one's quite weird, because I quite like the era we live in. Like, we have the internet and Taylor Swift and stuff. However, I think it would be quite fun to live in the 60s, because that's when Hairspray is set and I have quite a lot to say on equality and stuff.
(I know, stupid answer!)
8) What would want to have on hand in a zombie apocalypse, you have 5 items
Although this means I would technically be copying Georgia, I would want some kind of "How To Survive a Zombie Apocalypse" guide. I think a Kindle would be quite handly; although I don't like them very much, I would be able to have my Apocalypse Guide and all the books I wanted on it (who needs self defence when you have Maze Runner?!). In this case, I would also need a charger handy.
Either that or I would hide in a library or book shop until the whole zombie apocalypse thing blew over!
9) Flying or sailing
10) Early to bed and early to rise, or lie in and stay up until 3 in the morning?
Early to rise.
HAHAHAHAHA - just kidding, lie-ins all the way!
11) Favourite hobbying besides internetting?
Reading, writing or acting (I seriously can't pick one!).
12) What's your superpower, and would you use it for good or evil?
I would love to read minds, because then I would know who everyone fancied would be able to set them up...
Invisibility also seems cool though, as then I would be able to do whatever I wanted without people noticing...
I've literally just realised that both answers are literally the creepiest/sneakiest responses ever.
13) Biggest nightmare or fear?
Someone close to me getting in serious trouble - this literally scares me out of my mind.
14) If you could play God and change an aspect of humanity, what would you change?
I would make it so that people were judged instantly by their personalities and not by their labels (e.g. sexuality, race or any other aspect of their appearance). I think this would solve so many of the World's problems as we would not longer have prejudice or people who are scared of being who they are due to a certain aspect of themselves. Also, no one would be scared of what other people thought of their appearance as no one would care.
As you can probably tell, I think about this a lot.
15) Do you like trying new foods? What's the most bizarre thing you've tried? Did you like it?
As I mentioned in my last life-update, I recently went out for dinner with two of my friends as it was one of my friends' birthdays. The restaurant served up these random little starters and I ended up eating squid! I quite liked it, though this probably means that I failed as a pescetarian as it was not technically fish - oh well, it was interesting, and it's not everyday you're given the opportunity to try squid!
Georgia's Questions:
1) If you were to blog about something you'd never blogged about before, what would it be?
I would probably do a really fashion-y blog post, just because I've never really focused on clothes or makeup before in a blog post!
2) If you could be famous for one thing, what would you be famous for?
I would probably be a famous YouTuber, as I feel like YouTubers have a special connection with their fans that not many other celebrities do. Being famous on YouTube also presents lots of opportunities to people that I think would be really interesting.
3) If you have £100, what would you spend it on?
Probably books, chokers and various merch!
4) If you were given a YouTube channel, what would your first video be about?
I actually have a YouTube channel, and my first video was "50 Facts About Me", haha :)
It's definitely not my best video, especially since I can barely speak to the bloody camera, but it's the first one that was ever uploaded to my channel!
5) Radio or TV Channel?
I'm not sure what is meant by this question, but my favourite TV Channel is E4.
6) Facebook or twitter?
Probably Facebook, as more of my friends are on Facebook, although in general I prefer tweeting to uploading Facebook statuses :)
7) What is your favourite item of jewellery?
CHOKERS :D I have this massive thing about chokers right now, they're just awesome!
8) If you could be anyone for a day, who would be be?
Probably someone who really inspires me, such as Taylor Swift :)
9) Rain or sun?
Sun, though only in small amounts - enough to keep me warm, but not boiling or anything!
10) Stay at home and do things, or go outside and do things?
I suppose it depends on whether I would have people with me, I don't really mind either way, though I don't like being at home all day with no one to speak to.
11) What shop do you most want to shop in?
There's this vintage shop in our local shopping centre that I love to pieces, though I have never actually bought anything from there! All the things are quite expensive, so I just tend to hang around in there and look at the clothes like a complete weirdo/stalker. I have no idea what the woman at the counter must think of me!
12) Do you like the little things in life, the big things in life or both?
The big things in life can be awesome, though a lot of the time it's just nice to appreciate the little things in life, like oreo milkshakes, music and just hanging out with friends :D
13) Do you like painting your nails bright or nude?
Bright colours can be fun, though I tend to chip and smudge nail-varnish a lot, so I usually just paint my nails with clear nail-varnish.
14) Write a sentence describing your dream future life
I am living with a few friends, I write novels, act and own lots and lots of cats!
15) What are your top 3 websites?
YouTube, twitter and Tumblr :)
So those were my 30 questions! I think I need to go have a lie-down, haha!
As many of you have probably come to realise, by the time I get these awards, all the blogs I follow have already been nominated and have tagged me, so I have no one to tag for this one. I mean, could tag Maya from ohemgeeitsmaya, but then she would have, like, 3 awards to do (adding up to 45 questions), and that would just be a bit mean!
Speak to you soon,
Lucy x
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