One thing I wanted to mention quickly in this blog post is how I went to see Mockingjay on Friday, and I'm not really sure how to put the experience into words, but I will try...
Soooo cool!! You always hear her talking about how rubbish her singing is in interviews, but it's really not. I had heard already about how good her singing was from people on twitter who had gone to the premier or midnight screening, yet I was far from disappointed. Jennifer may not approve of her singing, but I would definitely buy her album!!
My only criticism of the movie was that there was a lack of Peeta Mellark, though I suppose that was the point... Still, it made me quite sad. Peeta is always my favourite part of the books and movies.
However limited Peeta's appearances were, Josh Hutcherson still managed to move the audience with each one - especially the end... OH GOD NO LET'S NOT GO INTO THIS.
By the end of the movie, my winged eyeliner was ruined (why on Earth did I think winged eyeliner would be a good idea??!) and I was kind of a mess!
The only thing I would change about my experience (not including the eyeliner incident) would be to switch our seats due to the people in front of us in the cinema.
They were SO ANNOYING. They kept speaking over all the characters and throwing popcorn at each other and giggling at all the wrong times.... and let's not even start on their commentary as Peeta's wrecked face was revealed near the end of the movie. Nopenopenopenope.
Moving on...
Yesterday I went into town with three of my friends, and what was meant to be a Christmas shop turned into just buying tons of random stuff (e.g. a mega pack of mentos???). One thing I am particularly happy about is the fact that I finally managed to find some purple lipstick. The thing with me and purple lipstick is that I am obsessed with it, but it's not the kind of thing I would wear in public very often. I have just wanted it for ages because I thought it would be very fun, especially since I stole my friend's purple liptick on Halloween!
Anyway, I finally managed to get hold of Collection Gothic Glam Scorned 2, which, for the record, makes me feel very much like Lorde (which I suppose is always a good thing!). I have attached a link to the Superdrug website because I don't really have time to take a picture. It is definitely not the kind of thing I would wear to school, as we are only allowed natural looking makeup and I am not entirely sure that would stop the kids at school calling me a goth, haha :P
Other purchases I made include Maybelline Superstay Better Skin Foundation and Rimmel Clear Complexion Powder Transparent.
It was really fun to have a day out with my friends, as I haven't had one of those in a while with exams and all. It was also especially funny when the bus driver suggested that since we are under 16, we get a family day rider (?), I'm not sure I will ever understand how these things work...
I am still doing exams now, so I am not sure when my next blog post will be (hopefully soon). For now though, I am writing an essay type thing on The Merchant of Venice and planning a Media Studies assessment. Wish me luck :)
Speak to you soon(ish),
Lucy x
I, like, never take selfies (I don't really find them that entertaining), but just for you guys...
(looking back on this post, I realise how vain that sounds. In case it wasn't that obvious, I was kidding when I was saying that... sorry!)
(looking back on this post, I realise how vain that sounds. In case it wasn't that obvious, I was kidding when I was saying that... sorry!)